
Adriana Gascoigne: Championing Women’s Empowerment and Diversity in Technology

Adriana Gascoigne is the CEO and creator of Girls in Tech (GIT), a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Nashville that aims to engage, empower, and educate women working in the tech sector. She also sits on the board of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Women in Public Policy Program (WAPPP) and is the author of “Tech Boss Lady: How to Start-Up, Disrupt, and Thrive as a Female Founder.” Being the only female executive at a Silicon Valley business, she encountered harassment and discrimination more than a decade ago, which marked the beginning of her journey…

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Prajogo Pangestu: Timber to Petrochemicals and Beyond

Prajogo Pangestu, the son of a rubber trader, began his entrepreneurial career in the forestry industry in the late 1970s. His company, Barito Pacific Lumber, went public in 1993 and was renamed Barito Pacific in 2007, after it reduced its emphasis on lumber. In 2007, Barito Pacific also acquired a 70% stake in Chandra Asri, a petrochemical business listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange…

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George D. Yancopoulos: Pioneer in Biotech and Drug Discovery

George D. Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., has been instrumental in Regeneron’s success since its inception in 1989, holding the roles of board co-chair, president, and chief scientific officer. A top winner of the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, now the Regeneron Science Talent Search, Yancopoulos began his career at Columbia University under Frederick W. Alt…

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Rachana Kumar Appointed Chief Technology Officer of Etsy

Rachana Kumar has been the Chief Technology Officer of Etsy, a prominent operator of two-sided online marketplaces, since January 1, 2023.  Previously serving as Etsy’s Vice President of Engineering, Kumar has years of experience with Etsy and has demonstrated great leadership in handling complicated projects and utilizing new technologies…

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Fiona Taylor: An Exemplary Leader in Global Operations

Fiona Taylor, the Chief Operating Officer at Finix, brings a distinguished career marked by significant achievements in various sectors. With over three decades of extensive experience across military, financial, and technology industries, Taylor’s career trajectory showcases her versatility and expertise in managing high-growth global operations…

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David King: Architect of LabCorp’s Transformation

David King, Chairman and CEO of Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LabCorp), retired from his role as CEO in October 2019, transitioning to the position of Executive Chairman. King’s tenure at LabCorp has been marked by remarkable growth and transformation, with the company’s revenue more than doubling since he took the helm in 2005…

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