Laurent Freixe's appointment as the Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé S.A. marks a significant shift in leadership, with his deep-rooted understanding of global markets and a strategic approach to navigating complex business landscapes. Known for his ability to drive growth even in challenging conditions, Freixe has consistently demonstrated a commitment to innovation and operational efficiency. His leadership style is characterized by a focus on sustainable value creation, which aligns seamlessly with Nestlé’s long-term objectives. Freixe’s reputation as a leader who champions both productivity and innovation will be pivotal as he takes the helm of the world's largest food and beverage company.

Freixe's career at Nestlé spans nearly four decades, beginning in 1986 in France and progressing through various high-responsibility roles across different markets and regions. He has held key positions including managing Zone Europe during the financial crisis from 2008 to 2014, and later leading Zone Americas, where he significantly accelerated growth. Since 2022, Freixe has served as CEO of Zone Latin America, effectively steering the company through difficult market conditions. His extensive experience has not only equipped him with a profound understanding of Nestlé’s culture and values but has also made him a central figure in shaping the company’s strategic direction. His contributions to global corporate initiatives aimed at improving productivity, simplifying processes, and driving innovation have solidified his reputation as a forward-thinking leader.

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Beyond his operational expertise, Freixe is also deeply invested in the development of future leaders, reflecting his commitment to nurturing talent within the company. His involvement in the Nestlé Leadership and Training Programs, as well as the Nestlé Needs YOUth initiative, underscores his dedication to empowering the next generation. Freixe’s deep industry insight combined with his passion for innovation and talent development positions him as the ideal leader to guide Nestlé through its next phase of growth. As he steps into his new role, the company is poised to continue its legacy of reliable and sustainable value creation under his leadership.